Welcome to me Elepreneur’s Review!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I was actually approached by someone from Elevacity (prior company name for Elepreneurs) who gave me their whole spiel. Well, I did not have an interest in joining their company as a business opportunity; however, I did give their products a whirl. Therefore, a little later, I will give you my opinion about how I felt regarding the products I actually tried.

So, today I’m going to give an honest review of Elepreneurs. You may be wondering what exactly is this company all about? Are they legit, or are they a scam? It’s definitely hard to tell by the name itself. What products do they sell? What does their Compensation Plan look like? Well, let’s dig in and see if this company is right for you or if you should be looking at other alternatives instead? I hope you enjoy my Elepreneurs Review!

Elepreneurs – The Company

Elepreneurs is a relatively new business as it has only been around since 2017. When Elepreneurs initially launched, it was closely linked to Elevacity and under Sharing Services Inc’s umbrella.

Elevacity was started in 2015 prior to Elepreneurs.

Elepreneurs and Elevacity were both founded by Rob Oblon.

Robert Oblon was one of the directors at Sharing Services inc.; however, after being accused of “gross financial misconduct,” he was removed from this position. This also resulted in legal trouble with the company.

February 2020, Elepreneurs sent a memo to their affiliates to explain why Rob Oblon was removed from this position. You can read the full memo here. He did resign from the job to avoid any disciplinary legal actions.

Elepreneurs is an MLM Company and is still linked with Elevacity. Both Companies appear operational and have current websites.

The current CEO of Elepreneurs is Keith Halls. They are stationed in Texas, USA.

BBB Rating and Complaints

This company is listed under ELevacity with the Better Business Bureau BBB; however, they have an alternate name and website pointed toward Elepreners, so you can tell we are talking about the same company. Elepreneurs/Elevacity has a b – rating and is not accredited with the BBB. They also have had numerous complaints. Other complaints

What do they Sell? Elepreneurs Products

First of all, the company Elepreneurs does not have any products of its own. It only sells products from its ‘affiliated company,’ which is Elevacity. So, the only products they sell are from Elevacity? I know, that’s a little odd. They don’t even list all the Elevacity products on the Elepreneurs website, making me wonder if you can purchase every Elevacity product from But, as I looked closer, it does appear that you can purchase products from the Elevacity website as well. The carry a couple additional products at their website.

According to the Elepreneurs website, the products are supposed to elevate the “D.O.S.E. response” in your brain. D for dopamine, O for oxytocin, S for serotonin, and E for euphoria. They are referred to as “Happy Coffee or a “dose of happy.”

Apparently, the longer you take the products the happier, and more motivated you will become. 

I mentioned earlier that I previously tried one of their products, and the product I used was the “Choclevate” pictured above. It comes in powder form, and I added it to my coffee in the morning. I used the product for approximately two months. I personally did not notice any benefits they mentioned from the product, at which time I discontinued purchasing the product. This was my experience with the product, and it does not mean this will be the same for you.

Making Money the Elepreneurs Way – The Compensation Plan

Like all MLM companies, you get paid commissions when you refer people to the business and by selling their retail products

At Elepreneurs, this is not any different. There does appear to be opportunities to achieve significant sales volume; however, their compensation plan primarily focuses on affiliate sponsorship.

Instead of me going into detail about their compensation plan, I found a video on YouTube that explains it for you.

I also found a pdf version of their compensation plan, so I’m attaching that here, too, for those who would rather have something to view. compplanpdf Here is a copy of their most recent income disclosure statement

I do not endorse this video, in any way. I have no affiliation with this company. This video is for educational purposes only.

Is Elepreneurs a Scam?

At first, one wonders if this company is a scam since they don’t have any products under their name. I indicated earlier that Elevacity and Elepreneurs are linked together. It appears that Elepreneurs is where the Business opportunity lies and where you need to sign up to sell the Elevacity products. Therefore, this company does have actual products that they sell, their CEO and people in management appear transparent. For these reasons, Elepreneurs is not a scam.

Even though it is not impossible, the MLM is a challenging business model to make money with. Additionally, your success with this type of business structure depends on your team members, who signed up under you.

Keep reading for my #1 Online Business Recommendation! It’s a lot simpler, and it does not REQUIRE you to SELL to FRIENDS or FAMILY!

Final Thoughts

Essentially, as always, I leave the decision in your hands.

It doesn’t look like Rob Oblon is involved in the daily activities, as he is not listed on the website, which is a good thing. However, he is still the owner, according to the BBB and his own Linkedin page. Mr. Oblon has dishonesty in his past, and unfortunately, that is something hard to overcome. Additionally, it’s hard to separate the two, the company and the deception, especially since it’s been so recent. This Company needs time and space from Mr. Oblon.

I think it takes a specific personality type to push this type of agenda, and you must have people in your downline if your goal is to make money. If you still have an interest in this Company, I would suggest taking it slow. Start with the products first and see what you think about them. You also may want to watch this Company and see how they do and definitely do your own additional research.

One must also remember that there’s no substitute for hard work, consistency, and self-motivation for success with any business, especially an online business.

Now, check out my recommendation below. You can thank me later. 😊

My #1 Online Business Recommendation is…

Now, check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business. WATCH VIDEO HERE

First, you won’t have to sell products to your family or friends or have to make sure to sign up people to be in your downline. Second, you can still set your own hours and enjoy a community of like-minded people, but most importantly, you can learn marketable skills that will serve you for years to come.

I hope you enjoyed my Elepreneurs Review and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments…

Now before you go…


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