doTERRA Review (2021) – Scam or Legit? Read Now!

Hi and welcome to my doTERRA review.

Well, maybe you had someone approach you from doTerra, who gave you their spiel. Now, you might want to know more about the company and what they are really all about. I’ve been approached by many different MLM companies and listened to their sales pitch, and have talked to them about their business opportunity too. Well, you’ve come to the right place to get all the answers before you make any decisions.

So, today I’m going to give an honest review of doTERRA. Who are they? Are they a scam? What products do they sell? What does their Compensation Plan look like? Is it for you, or should you look at other alternatives instead?  I hope you enjoy my doTERRA Review!

The Company – doTERRA

doTerra is an MLM company that several individuals founded, one of who is also their current CEO, David Stirling. It was created in 2008, and its main headquarters is located in Pleasant Grove, UT, USA.

The company believes they provide the purest and highest quality essential oils as well as other wellness products.

In 2008 when doTERRA first introduced essential oils, they started with twenty-five single oils and ten blends. They have, since then, added products with many more, oil blends and single oils. Additionally, they expanded their product line to include nutritional supplements, weight management, and skincare items. doTERRA works with distillers and farmers in more than 40 countries to provide essential oils to customers worldwide.

What is an MLM Company?

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a business model in which individual representatives receive commissions for selling products. This can happen through a variety of methods, including direct sales, referrals, or word-of-mouth. However, representatives also receive financial compensation by having people in their downline who are also selling the company’s products.

When the downline members make a sale, the person who recruited them also makes money. This hierarchical commission model is dependent on both product sales and future sign-ups. MLM companies are notorious for overpriced marketing products. More than likely, this is because they have to pay their representatives commissions on top of what the company makes.

doTERRA Products – What do they sell?

As I mentioned above, doTERRA started out selling only essential oils; however, they have broadened their business scope and increased their product line to include weight management, personal care, nutritional supplements, and many more.

Their products are not inexpensive, and to give you an idea, I decided to post a couple of them here to see what I mean.

Single Blend

Oil Blends

Weight Management

Skin Care

Business Opportunity with doTerra

To become a doTERRA Advocate it will first cost you a $35 start-up fee. To maintain your Advocate status, you must agree to spend at least $100 each month on their products to continue to get commissions.

doTERRA’s compensation plan is like most MLM companies, you get paid commissions when you refer people to the business or sell products to others directly.

However, Instead of me going into further detail about the compensation plan, I found a video on YouTube that explains it for you.

The only downfall is it’s very biased. A Presidential Diamond with doTERRA is the one explaining the compensation plan. However, the video is relatively brief and done pretty well. Here is a copy of their compensation plan in a pdf format for those who would rather view an actual document.

I do not endorse this video, in any way. I have no affiliation with this company. This video is for educational purposes only.

The Company Issues and Complaints / Reviews

In 2014, the FDA sent a warning letter to doTERRA, warning them against making outlandish claims about their products curing medical conditions, which included the Ebola virus. doTERRA made changes to their policies and became FDA compliant.

Fast forward to April 2020, the FTC sent another warning letter to doTERRA, warning them again about representatives who were misrepresenting certain products and indicating they could treat or prevent Covid-19.

Here is a link to some complaints and reviews for this company doterrareviews

In 2017, they became accredited with the BBB, and they have an A+ rating. They also have complaints listed with the BBB; however, complaints are not considered when determining its rating. It largely depends on how the complaints are handled when they cross the threshold, as it’s typical for any business to have some complaints against them.

doTerra – Scam or Legit?

Okay, the question remains, is this company for real? Well, yes it is. They do have actual products available for sale and a website where anyone can buy them. Even though, they are more expensive if you are not an Advocate.

Companies like this are often called scams because people do not believe in the products or tried to make money with their business opportunities, and they failed to recruit anyone.

I understand the people who have a hard time recruiting. I’ve tried MLM companies before, several times. The recruiting, it’s just not for me, and it’s not for everyone.

I mean, how often can you sell to family and friends? Pretty soon, they see you coming, and they head in the other direction. It’s tough, and you outgrow your welcome pretty quickly. Then what?

Final Thoughts

Essentially, as always, I leave the decision in your hands.

As far as their business opportunity goes, let me say that network marketing or multi-level marketing is not for everyone. It is a very challenging business model to make money with.

If you are not comfortable with selling and recruiting, then you might want to think twice. Also, getting people to sign up under you is only half the battle. Your income stream is dependent on your team members, who signed up under you, and their ability to sell and recruit. Bottom line: To achieve success, you must be good at selling and have a strong team under you.

Also, you must like their products, so make sure you give them a try first before you make any decisions. If you don’t, selling will feel forced and phony, and people can sniff that out. I’ve actually had people try to convince me to sign up under MLMs before, and I’ve often wondered if they truly believe in the products themselves.

One must also remember that there’s no substitute for hard work, consistency, and self-motivation for success with any business, especially an online business.

Now, check out my #1 online business recommendation below. You can thank me later. 😊

P.S. No selling to family or friends required. Like I said. You can thank me later. 😊

My #1 Online Business Recommendation is…

Now, check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business. WATCH VIDEO HERE

First, you won’t have to sell products to your family or friends or have to make sure to sign up people to be in your downline. Second, you can still set your own hours and enjoy a community of like-minded people, but most importantly, you can learn marketable skills that will serve you for years to come.

I hope you enjoyed my doTerra’s Review and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments…

Now before you go…


We will show you EXACTLY how to build a business online and customize a plan just for you WITH ONE ON ONE mentoring.

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