Welcome to my blog and to my review about a company called “It Works”.

Maybe you were approached by someone regarding this company, which made you wonder, ‘What Works?’ and “is this a scam?’

So, in my review, I’m going to explore the company “It Works,” their products, compensation plan, and whether they are a scam or legit… Don’t go anywhere and enjoy the read!

It Works – The Company

It Works! is a multi-level marketing company that offers a wide variety of health and wellness products.

Mark and Cindy Pentecost founded the Company in 2001. Over the years, we watched as “It Works” became a multi-million dollar company and expanded throughout the world. The Company is currently headquartered in Palmetto, Florida, USA.


Multi-level marketing (MLM) Multi-Level-Marketing is a type of business model in which individual representatives receive commissions for selling products. This can happen through a variety of methods, including direct sales, referrals, or word-of-mouth. However, representatives also receive financial compensation by having people in their downline who are also selling the company’s products. This business model is dependent on both product sales and future sign-ups.

 MLM companies are notorious for overpriced marketing products. More than likely, this is because they have to pay their representatives commissions on top of what the company makes.

It Works – Their First Product “The Crazy Wrap Thing”

When the company first started, it specialized in Body wraps.  They sold a body contouring system called the “Ultimate Body Applicator” that wrapped around the…body. This apparently helped you lost weight.

A word to the wise… these don’t work. I can say this with confidence, because I tried them, following the directions exactly. But, I guess I can admit the results may vary. But having said that, I want to share something I found on WebMD regarding Body Wraps. They talk about how weight loss, if any, will be temporary and most likely only last for a day or two.

It Works – Products

After the body wraps success, they launched a whole line of health products, which included greens powders, skincare treatments, Keto supplements, vegan line of supplements, and Lifestyle probiotics, and shakes.

These products are intended to help promote weight loss, tighten and tone the skin, enhance beauty, boost physical performance, and improve overall health and wellness.

When it comes to health and wellness products, they really are a dime-a-dozen. They are everywhere, with more being started or old ones being reinvented every day, or at least that’s how it seems. The fact is, what may work for one person may not work for someone else. You can try something based on a friend’s recommendation, who perhaps had a positive result; however, that does not guarantee you will have the same results.

There is still not a ‘wrap,’ pill, shake, or ‘magic potion’ that will make you lose weight or be a substitute for a healthy eating plan and safe exercise program. I believe so often, we are looking for a quick fix, and when it comes to healthy weight loss, that’s not the way it works. I’m not trying to indicate that these supplements may not have a place as a part of a healthy routine.

It Works – Compensation Plan

Like all MLM companies, you get paid commissions when you refer people to the business.

In “It Works”, this is not any different.

Instead of me going into detail about the compensation plan, I found a video on YouTube that explains it for you.

Only downfall is it’s very biased, but they do explain the compensation plan in a brief manner and done pretty well.

I do not endorse this video, in any way. I have no affiliation with this company. This video is for educational purposes only.

I think this video makes it sound pretty simple to earn a living with this company, but in reality, it isn’t easy to reach the top layers in any MLM company. Here is the “It Works” 2019 Income Disclosure Statement, which indicates this pretty well.

It Works – Customer Complaints and BBB Rating

While I was researching this company, I found numerous customer complaints and complaints from distributors. It seemed most of the positive reviews came from representatives of the company. Probably, hoping to promote their business. However, in general, there were far more poor reviews than good ones. PISSEDCONSUMER.COM TRUSTPILOT, Even the BBB, only gave this company a C+ and would not give it their stamp of approval. BBB/IT WORKS

If the Company It Works, is unable to maintain happy customers, this will obviously affect your bottom dollar.

It Works – Is it a Scam?

Let me say, No, I do not believe “It Works” is a scam. First, it has been around since 2001, and they do have an actual product they are selling. I also believe that a certain personality type fits this business model. I’ve noticed many unhappy customers use the word “scam” loosely when it comes to unsatisfactory service within an MLM company. There are scams out there, and you do need to be diligent and do your research before you sign anything. However, I want to thank those customers who provided their experience with the Company, whether positive or negative, so future customers may be able to use that information to build an informed decision.

Even though it is not impossible, it is a challenging business model to make money with. Additionally, your success with the MLM structure depends on your team members, who signed up under you. Unless they are active and making sales, your earning potential is limited. To achieve success, you must be good at selling and have a strong team under you.

Final Thoughts

Essentially, as always, I leave the decision in your hands. I think it takes a certain personality type to push this type of agenda, and you must have people in your downline if your goal is to make money.

One must also remember that there’s no substitute for hard work, consistency, and self-motivation when it comes to success with any business, especially an online business.

Keep reading for my #1 Online Business Recommendation! It’s a lot simpler (not easy) and it does not REQUIRE you to SELL to FRIENDS or FAMILY!

My #1 Online Business Recommendation is…

Now, check out my #1 recommendation for building an online business. WATCH VIDEO HERE

First, you won’t have to sell products to your family or friends or have to make sure to sign up people to be in your downline. Second, you can still set your own hours and enjoy a community of like-minded people, but most importantly, you can learn marketable skills that will serve you for years to come.

I hope you enjoyed my Review and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments…

Now before you go…


We will show you EXACTLY how to build a business online and customize a plan just for you WITH ONE ON ONE mentoring.

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